Click on each question to check your answer.

1. What does the design process entail? Please list the primary steps.

The design process, at its core, consists of three steps:

[1] Initiation, involving the sensing of need / want / opportunity

[2] Creation, involving the generation of a list of ways to satisfy the need / want / opportunity

[3] Assessment, involving the selection of the best way to satisfy the need / want / opportunity

2. What should we consider before accepting a design project?

We should consider if the project is aligned with our mission, if we are able to add value to the project through our expertise, if we have the resources to invest in the project, and if our involvement has a desirable impact on our reputation. We would only pursue the project if the answer is yes to all four “ifs.” (p. 175)

3. Why is it useful to have your design reviewed by someone not involved intimately in the project?

Such person(s) can provide fresh perspectives and will be able to spot mistakes easier than the designers. (pp. 188-189)

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