Key Concepts Study Tool: Chapter 13

Click on each concept below to check your understanding.

1. Interpreting Values of Association: Gamma, Somer’s d and Kendall tau-b

values of association

2. Kruskal’s Gamma: The Steps

kruskal's gamma

  1. Calculate Nsame (or the number of concordant pairs)
  2. Calculate Ndifferent (or the number of discordant pairs)
  3. Calculate gamma.

    kruskal's gamma

  4. Interpret using interpretation guidelines.

3. Somer’s d: The Steps

Somer’s d: similar to gamma, except it adjusts for tied ranks on the DV. Ties occur when two pairs of scores are both either concordant or discordant for the IV and tied on the DV.

  1. Calculate Nsame (or the number of concordant pairs)
  2. Calculate Ndifferent (or the number of discordant pairs)
  3. Calculate Tiesy, or the number of ties: Tiesy=a(b+c)+b(c)+d(e+f)+e(f)+g(h+i)+h(i)
  4. Calculate Somer’s d using the following equation:

    somer's d

4. Kendall’s Tau-b: The Steps

Kendall’s Tau-b: Conceptually similar to gamma and Somers’ d, but it goes one step further and corrects for tied pairs on both the DV and the IV.

  1. Calculate Nsame (or the number of concordant pairs)
  2. Calculate Ndifferent (or the number of discordant pairs)
  3. Calculate Tiesy, or the number of ties in the dependent variable.
  4. Calculate Tiesx, or the number of ties in the dependent variable:Tiesx=a(d+g)+d(g)+b(e+h)+e(h)+c(f+i)+f(i)
  5. Calculate Kendall’s tau-b using the following equation:

    kendall's tau-b

5. Spearman’s rho: The Steps

  1. Organize the observations into a chart, with columns for score on each variable of interest, their respective ranks, the differences between the two (D), and differences between the two squared (D2). D2 will the most useful for calculating rho.


  2. Calculate rho as


6. Calculating Significance

  • The equation to calculate zobtained for Gamma (which can also be used for Tau-b and Somer’s d) is:


  • If you have less than 120 observations, the t-statistic the degrees of freedom are defined as df = n–1.
  • For Spearman’s rho, use the following equation:


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