Key Concepts Study Tool: Chapter 18

Click on each concept below to check your understanding.

1. Influential Cases as a Source of Error

  • Any case that exerts an extraordinary amount of influence on the slope and intercept.
  • There are two types of influential cases:
    1. Outlier: the distance an observation is from its estimated Y-value (the distance between Yi and ŷ is huge)
    2. Leverage: measures the distance between an X-value and the mean for that variable (the gap between Xi and )

2. Cook’s Distance (Cook’s D)

  • Introduced in the late 1970s by Dennis Cook.
  • Determines the extent to which coefficient estimates (both slopes and intercepts) will change if a particular observation is removed from the analysis.
  • Values are meaningless by themselves, but any value below 1 is regarded as being tolerable for influence.
  • Any observation exceeding 1 should be examined closely and possibility deleted.

3. Heteroscedasticity as a Source of Error

  • Homoscedasticity: examined by looking at the distribution of estimation errors (the difference between the predicted Y’s and the actual y’s) across X-values.
  • A regression is considered homoscedastic if the standard deviation of the estimation error for each value of X is roughly similar. If that condition is not met, the model is heteroscedastic.
  • When the condition of homoscedasticity is not met, the accuracy of that coefficient can be question.
  • The easiest way to detect heteroscedasticity is to look at a residual versus a fitted value plot.

4. Multicollinearity as a Source of Error

  • Collinearity, or multicollinearity, is found when independent variables share a common line when graphed. In other words, they are correlated.
  • When collinearity is strong, identifying the independent impact of X1 will be difficult, because whenever variable Y is increased by one increment, so is X2. Finding the independent impact of either variable is virtually impossible because they are so intertwined.
  • When any two independent variables are correlated at 0.5 or above, it is important to examine them.

5. Identifying and Dealing with Multicollinearity

  • To identify multicollinearity the variance inflation factor (VIF) is computed for each variable.
variance inflation factor
  • VIF values that exceed four are generally worthy of further investigation.
  • Options for dealing with multicollinearity include: dropping one of the collinear variables, or combining the two offending variables to form one composite measure. The latter option may not make sense in every situation.
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