The Empowered Writer, Short Answer Matching Activity: Chapter 12

At the end of essay written in MLA style, the writer should include a(n) ________ section.

A(n) ________ in-text citation includes the author’s last name and page number(s).

At the end of essay written in APA style, the writer should include a(n) ________ section.

Proper citation protects a writer from ________.

Most documentation styles require an abbreviated ________.

A _______ sets off large quotations of four or more lines or 40 or more words.

Most documentation styles include the year of ________.

Citations do not require page numbers when the citation refers to the ________.

A(n) ________ in-text citation includes author’s last name, year of publication, and, usually, page number(s).

APA and MLA styles require authors to include a citation in ________.

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