The Empowered Writer, Short Answer Matching Activity: Chapter 16

A(n) ________ is a word or phrase substituted for the actual name of something in order to make it more acceptable.

________ occurs if there is no logical connection between a verb and its subject.

________ is the method by which you start at the end and read to the beginning word by word or sentence by sentence.

In academic writing, ________ must be objective; that is, a writer should not write sarcastically or ironically.

________ Syndrome refers to a writer’s tendency to automatically use two words when one is enough. 

________ constructions are inappropriately used passive constructions that weaken a sentence.

________ refers to the final check of the formatted material.

Cumulative sentences begin with a(n) ________ clause.

________ writing often employs contractions, colloquialisms, and idioms.

When a reader reads a work from the beginning and breaks every word into syllables, he or she is reading ________.

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