The Empowered Writer, Short Answer Matching Final: Part 01

The process of thinking about and developing a topic is called ________.

MLA style uses a ________ page at the end of the essay, which contains complete retrieval information.

________ is a reading strategy in which the reader looks for key words or sections of a text.

A(n) ________ outline represents only a writer’s main points.

A(n) ________ is a prediction or expected result of an experiment or other research investigation. 

________ thesis statements have only two necessary parts.

________ connect unequal units.

One of the best ways to clarify an abstract idea in an essay is to use a concrete ________.

A(n) ________ consists of two of the same parts of speech acting as a grammatical unit.

To connect ideas from one sentence or paragraph to the next, a writer should use ________.

________ refers to your intended readers and their expectations.

After finding sources, a writer should ________ the information (taking other people’s ideas and incorporating them into the essay).

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