Sport in Canada 4e, Related Websites: Chapter 08


Bodybuilding History

An extensive presentation of bodybuilders in history, accompanied by numerous photographs and PDF documents of early training manuals, and many period newspaper and magazine articles.


The Stark Center

Visit the Stark Center website for feature videos and histories documenting strength and physical culture.


Edmonton Commercial Graduates Basketball Team

Library and Archives Canada provides a brief history of the Grads and a limited list of historical sources.


Fashion History

In addition to documenting and illustrating changing fashion styles from the 1800s to 2012, this site explores related social and technological changes as well.


Laboratory for Leisure, Tourism and Sport: Readings in Violence and Sport

A list of readings on violence and sport compiled by Andrew Yiannakis.


Sport and Eating Disorders

A help-based site explaining the issue of eating disorders as it relates to exercise and athletes. Accompanied by a comprehensive set of links dedicated to other related issues such as anorexia, body image, self-esteem, and nutrition.


Sport and Masculinity

A report authored by Michael Messner et  al. analyzing how sports programming and television commercials present biased messages about gender to children.

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