• Geography


The Regional Geography of Canada introduces students to the diverse nature of Canada's six identified geographic regions: Ontario, Québec, British Columbia, Western Canada, Atlantic Canada, and the Territorial North. Through his clear and comprehensive narrative, Professor Robert Bone explores how distinct physical geography and location, paired with local and global economic considerations, have shaped each region's history, course of development, and place within the nation. Carefully revised to reflect Canada's ever-changing place in the world economy, the sixth edition explores how the slow recovery of the US economy and increasing dependence on Asian trade have altered the fortunes of each region.

The seventh edition has been thoroughly updated to account for changes both globally and within Canada. It includes a new chapter on Canada's economy that explores the national and global economic forces that have shaped Canada's regions. It also features a wealth of new pedagogical features, including new and updated "Contested Terrain", "Vignette", and "Think about It" boxes; new art, new end-of-chapter essay questions, and an updated glossary.